(no subject)

May 02, 2006 01:28

Ahhhh...Kara procrastinates and digs out her livejournal for a brief entry:

Because I promised a certain somebody, a limerick!

There once was a child named Wolfgang
who in modern times, would live in Lang!
He wrote a piece every day
but forgot to one day!
and that was the end of poor Wolfgang.

(yes, this poem is about Mozart, all y'all music nerds)

And since I'm on a roll;

There once was a girl named Kara
who procrastiated physics 'till tomorrah'
instead she wrote in her journal
and terrorized a turtle
and finally slept young Kara.

hmmmm...the second is not AS GOOD as the first one, but I'll take it....especially the rhyming of "Kara" and "tomorrah'" and my personal favorite, "journal" and "turtle." Oh what strange minds we have...

time for a random LJ quiz....simply because I love them:
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