It's Been Awhile...

Feb 20, 2008 23:19

Ok so I just realized that I haven't actually updated my Journal since before Christmas...soooooooo I guess I'm a bit overdue aren't I? So much to talk about that I do not even really know where to begin...

I had my wrist surgery a few days into the new year. All went well, the bump is gone and now I am in PT for my scar which has been adhering to my tendons so I had to go get scar massage and work on the strength and movement in my wrist because it was bad from even before the surgey becuase the cyst was messing with my movement and such. So now I have all these excersizes and massage things to do to my wrist and therapist ahve been really fun and nice...even though they hurt me lol.

So I did get excepted into KU, but I am not yet going there. Grrrrr. I decided to swtich my interest from Journalism to Education so I am taking a few more prereqs at Jccc. I swere I am never going to be able to escape that college. No, I will...starting in a few weeks Anna and I are gonna be goin apartment hunting in Lawrence and finally get ourselves out of OP. We are sorta waitin for the weather to get a little warmer so we can enjoy the day all the more. With my Intro to teaching comes 20 hours of observations over 20 weeks. I will split the time between two different teachers. I just got this all set up so that it starts tomorrow. I am going to be observing at an elementary school like right down the street from my house. This sort of caused an issue becuase some of the teacher who taught at my old elementary school teach at this one after they closed mine and tore it down to build stupid town homes that aren't selling and they keep running out of money to finish building them (end of the rant) and the reason this is an issue is that I'm not allowed to observe in a classroom of a teacher that I've had in the past. Well of course the very first name I see on the list of two teachers I will be with is my first grade teacher. SO it should be fun...I'm lookin forward to it.

Today my grandmother had surgery to fix her broken arm which she broke months ago but it never healed. It's been a whole ordeal on whether or not she will have had this surgery or not. She had to get okayed by all these different doctors and then go through a stress test to see if she would be able to handle the surgery becuase she had a low heart rate and a low's just been stressful on us all. Especially my grandfather...he's had a lot to deal with lately with all this.

*edit* I started this entry at like 12 today...its now almost midnight..exactly 12 hrs later actually based off the auto save time I see at the bottom of my text box..11:52. Anyways thats beside the point...apparently my grandma had a rough night with her confusion and such. She kept getting angry, and wanting to go home, and was just all around jittery. Apparently she JUST fell asleep so now my mom can home. She sent my grandpa home 2 hrs ago and she stayed through probably the roughest hour she had all apparently. much to deal with. I hope to all shit that they sent her home tomorrow so we don't have to deal with another night of this. It's so hard on her and us.

So my grandpa turned 80 on V-day. So my Aunt (his daughter) wanted to throw a huge gathering for him. This party is landing all around the time of my grandmas surgery. Now, a side note, my aunt bascially hasn't talked to me or my parents for about 3 and half years up until fairly recently. So to be thrown in to organizing a party with her was a lot to deal with. She is very unrealiable which gets me into very VERY long story involving the planning of this party. Which then leads me to a story about valentines day and this huge brunch that she wanted to cook for my grandpa since it was his birthday, but then on that day grandma ended up having to have the stress tests so we tried to talk my aunt out of having the brunch (she lives about 45 min away). but she wouldn't back down from the idea of cooking htis thing, so my grandparents have to leave at 11:30, we show up at 10 for the brunch, what time does my aunt show up? 11 o clock. WHo cooks most of hte breakfast? Me. Guh. So then Friday, we were supposed to all get together and sorta fix up the house, prepare some food and just finalize everything. Mom and I get there around 11:30 OR noon which is hwat we had planned. My aunt shows up at like 1 and has to bail at like 3 to get back to lawrence for some shit she has to do. That day she comes down all in a panic having JUST done her grocery shopping that morning and hadn't even bought all the shit she needed so I had to go by cooking Sherry and other stuff for her. Ugh. Oh so the day or so before this we learn that 80 people had rvsp'ed to the party. We are wondering how the shit ths happened because we thought only like 50 had been invited. WE let grandpa pick the list of people he wanted to have come so he could see the people he wanted...well apparently my aunt invited his WHOLE FUCKING ENTIRE christmas list, and my grandpa knows a lot of people. His Christmas list is like 10-11 pages long, maybe more with 3 columns of names on like every page. Needless to say we were all quite pissed off about this. That house can hardly hold 15-20 people. let alone 80, hell we were spazzing out about 50 people.

Then, party day, mom and I get up go pick up the fruit trays, and the cake we had ordered and were over to the gparnets house at like 9:30-10 o clock, party was set to being at 1. What time does my aunt show up? after fucking 12.So as usual shes running around trying to get her stuff done, which really wasn't all that much. Mom and I had bought the plates, cups, napkins, cake,fruit trays, we made moms really good tortilla roll ups, bought pop, made iced tea, had stuff to make coffee the next day, a few little decorations of floating candles and some flowers,and balloons. My aunt cut up veggies, had a deli cut cheese, bought crackers, bought cookies, and bought some flowers, oh and she made this really nasty dip out of the sherry i went and bought her. SHe put in way to much of the sherry and so taht was all you could taste, it was EWWWW ICKY. Sooo yea..that's my very appreviated rant about this party...thsoe unlucky enough to talk to me or my mother in person over the last couples weeks got to hear a whole lot more.

Ok so I know this little girl, who is eight. She is the daughter of this really good friend of my parents who I grew up around, anyways, this little girl before she was even one was diagnosed with this really rare cancer when a lump was found on her leg. She was fine until she was about 3 or 4 when they noticed some spots on her lungs. Got rid of those and shes been fine. Would never know. SHe never had to go through chemo or anything. Lately though she has been having some real problems. She has always been a sorta nervous kid, scared of lots of stuff, but then she got better as she got older. Lately though she has been not wanting to go to school, and just has not been feeling well. SHe was afraid of going to school because she was afraid of throwing up at school and such. So they've been taking her to atll these doctors, one docotor hwanted to put her on antidepressents to calm down her anxiety, thinking its all in her head.they took her to another doctor for her stomach problems who gave her some meds to clear out er stomach/intestines better. That made her feel better. So then, a week ago her stomach was hurting and so her parents took her to Childrens Mercy where they kept her over night and prepared her to be scoped the next day. They didnt' really find all that much, a bit of swelling in her intestines, but not much to be concerned about and were just going to send her home with the script for the antidepresents again, thinking it was all in her head again. Her parents did not like this, they wanted more to be done, so I don't really know what they did, but they were going ot keep her one more day to make sure she could eat/drink alright before sending her, but she was so upset and just tired and overwhelmed she didn't eat so they had to keep her one more day. Finally she gave in, and ate and they sent her home, well apparently somehow (I onlyk now shady details of the sotry my dad told me in a rush this morning) they got a diagnosis of Chrones Disease. Which is odd to find in an eight year old. SO now they have her on several meds, and she is apparnetly going to school without a fuss and feeling better which is good.

I know this was a really random and choppy update but my head is really full and this is just sorta how the stuff came out...its now almost 1 am and I started this entry a very long time now after many hours and is my update..goodnight everyone and see ya later.

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