Not Sure what to do anymore...

Aug 04, 2011 13:45

I'm just not sure what to do anymore with the situation Kippo and I are in and I could use some sort of guidance..
I'll keep it short.

-We're in a townhouse unit for almost 3 years.
-Landlord #1 didn't bother with many repairs. It took threats of involving MLS to have the AC and clothes dryer fixed and screens put into windows.
-Building was sold in March 2011, Landlord #2.
-Wrote a letter of needed repairs April 1st, nothing was done. Repeated list on May 2nd, nothing was done. Ignored for 6 weeks.
-Involved MLS May 13th for inspection, have a 2 page Order to Comply with 20 items listed, Comply date: July 18th.
-Some repairs needed:
Falling tiles in bathroom, temporary fix done by LL#1 of a plastic tub insert is loose, bowing from hot water/air and cracking.
Toilet #3 is leaking and wobbly, bathroom floor is rotten, and LL#1 never bothered to do it right.
Bathroom sink being held up by its drain, leaking. Shower head dances when used and not secured inside the wall.
220A Oven socket is laying on the kitchen floor and not mounted in wall, kitchen faucets leak and drip water onto the floor about 4' away, guess what's harzardous?
Rotten frame around bedroom window, mold, mildew, I can see through to the outside, ants are coming in.
Basement wall leaks when it rains, crumbling dirt/brick falls regularly from behind the wood paneling.
Fuse Box has a holder for a fuse that came out, other holders are corroded.
-Virtually Nothing was done for 2 more weeks, Contractor attempted repair of Oven's 220A plug, but it's still laying on the floor, just 1' further away than before.
-June 1st, Contractor for the building refuses to give us info about LL#2, we never got an address or contact info for LL#2. Contractor confronted me: "Why are you doing this?"
-June 2nd, filed T2 and T6 at LTB, served Superintendent with papers that day, Notice of Hearing for July 6th.
-June 16th, Super called to have us meet with a rep from LL#2. We recorded the conversation. Building rep was the previous contractor who confronted me and did the oven work. Threatens us with "We'll have your unit condemned and you'll be kicked out", "We'll cancel your lease" (we're month-to-month at this point), "We're not doing any repairs". We questioned his credentials and asked if he was licensed as an electrician since he attempted a repair on the stove's plug which didn't fix the problem of its 220A outlet still being on the ground. He refused and started calling us "Dumb fucks". We left. (I have the recording if anyone wants to hear it)
-July 6th, Mediation instead of hearing. We negotiate a timeframe for repairs following MLS's list some to be completed in 30 days, some 60 and the rest 90. A rent abatement of 50% for these 3 months. Compensation of 2390$ for the past few months of being ignored and having no repairs done, we had to tell MLS to hold off and give them time to do the repairs.
-July 11th, Faxed agreement to MLS and had them "hold off" from their July 18th inspection.
-throughout July, Super would come by with potential investors/buyers -_-
-July 28th, LL#2 is going into default, LL#3 enters the game..
-August 3rd, LL#3 meeting. Objects to our mediated agreement, says that they won't pay us anything, we should be paying full rent and MLS won't go after them since it's attached to the previous company... We paid the abated amount we agreed to and we'll see if they now drag us to court for non-payment of rent -_-

So here I am, still living in a slum, can't get it fixed up, can't get money from them so I can't afford to move, and out of ideas...
August 6th is Date #1 of the agreement, they have to be completely finished with the bathroom and I've yet to get a 24 hour notice...
I'm open to suggestions...
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