Job hunting

May 30, 2005 14:17

Im doing it and I just know that theres not that much out there but I have to try. I finally got my resume done and I am going to start hitting the streets. This is the best time as any. Tommorow when I wake up im going to try some places. I just cant take this place anymore. Ive been here a little over 8 years and I have had enough.
People do their job half as$, or just dont do it at all. And then want to cry about something you told them was going to happen many times but theynever listened to you in the first place.
Every time I get into that place and turn my phone on after about 2 minutes I start to get cramping in my stomach from just not wanting to be in there and dealing with anything.
Im supposed to seal with just planogram issues. And while the remodel coordinator was off I was the one people were coming to with remodel issues.
Umm sorry dont bother me with that crap I got enough on my damn plate as it.
Somee times I feel like I should just scream and lose it.But I know that wont help. My goal this week, Print off my resume and get my butt out there and pass them out. I really have to getting sick to my stomach is just not where I want to be at all.
This remodel just keeps getting worse and worse and worse.
And the main thing wrong is one.. Lack of training ( proper training)
No one knows what they should be doing. No one is organized, no one is helping pick up any slack when they can, like the departments.
Our store has gone to hell as soon as they fired all the team leads. Stock is constantly piled up in the backrooms and the only time it gets cleaned like the store is when some one is coming to visit.
I swear have the time they tell people that there is going to be visits by people just to get the store cleaned up. Its filthy, speciallu after the new cleaning crew they hired. They are non union of course and do not speak any english in front of you which I think is so rude when they know it.
And they do not clean half of what our store cleaning crew did.
Ahh I better head out and enjoy my day today, I work tonight as I did last night as well.
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