Jan 16, 2006 19:54
You wanna play??
Let's play...
So if anyone has read Kevin Hortons livejournal you all know how he feels about me and amanda Hess. Now I was going to try not to sink down to his scummy, self absorbed level but hey whatever. He wants to play...lets play.
First lets start with me
Yeah last year around this time I was really bad into drugs
etc. etc...
I think most of you know that
And yes I still do it
every once in awhile
So what
I'm not addicted anymore and personally that's all that matters to me
I've had sex with quite a list of guys
So what
At least I can admit it and I'm not lieing about it
Lastnight Amanda and I partied at her house
Layne and I slept in the same room
But did NOT have sex
I know it didn't happen
Layne knows
Amanda knows
Pretty much the people that were there to begin with know
So believe what you want
You can also believe that there were others
But whatever
I don't give a shit
I know in my heart what I have done
And what I havn't
And for those of you who know me the best
You know that I don't care
And i'll tell you straight up
I'm 18 and yeah i've lied, cheated, used people...whatever
Now Amanda Hess
Yes she also has done plenty of drugs
And she has had sex with quite a few guys as well
She also like any normal person
has lied, cheated, used people...whatever
She will admit it to you as well
We aren't afraid
Here's were the game starts
Let's talk about Kevin Horton
He's trying to make us look so bad
That's just cause he has some old grudges
And can't grow the fuck up
And get the fuck over them
You wanna know his secrets ladies and gentlman
He's smoked crack
He's done coke
He smokes pot
He drinks
He's dated pretty much every girl in fucking nsb since lastyear when me and him broke up
He has a very small penis
He isn't good in bed
(I have a few girls who will agree with me on that one)
When it comes to relationships
He's like a 30 year old woman
(as his mother would say)
If you say the right thing
You can get him to cry like a little school girl
It's the truth
(I have girls who will agree with me on that too)
He's a pussy
He's lazy
And his subconcious mentality is "poor poor kevin"
He once played 4 good friends like they were fools
He was makingout and fucking around with all four of them
Behind their backs
Until they all found out
And said good bye to Kev
He can't hold his liquor
He won't fight anyone for any reason
(he says it's because he's 18 and doesn't want to go to jail)
But really we all know it's cause he's to scared to get his assbeat
I mean look
He's like an ethiopian
I could sit here all night and tell you things about Kevin
But that would be way to much
Obviously this is going to cause shit
He started it with that lj entry
I'm just trying to show Kevin and anyone else
That yeah Amanda and I have done some bad things in the past and present
And this is where I stop
And let the game continue...
Kev...it's your turn.
fantasticly pleased...