Mar 18, 2009 11:32
This post is not going to be edited for other people. Fair warning.
No, it's just going to be for me, to get all of my anger out at a very frustrating exchange that happened yesterday.
Two days ago an acquaintance of mine from Willamette posted some videos and comments on his Facebook profile about how much of a joke he thinks the WNBA and the Women's NCAA tournament is. Surprised due to his normally feminist viewpoints and angry at such inane statements, I wrote him and said it really wasn't cool to say stuff like that. He asked me if I was defending the quality of Women's basketball, which I proceeded to respond to by: pointing out how hard WNBA players work, how they go all out for all 48 minutes of their games, how you never hear about them getting charged for assault or gun possession, and how so many women have benefited from playing basketball and other sports, including me and my grandmother, among others. He proceeded to respond to this by mocking me for saying that I was insulted by his comments, by saying that WNBA plyers were horrible & could be beat by a good high school team, and that nobody cares about women's basketball. My favorite line from his response? The last one, which said, "sorry I disappointed you with such well-reasoned, logical arguments." Wow, how do you really feel about yourself? When I suggested he might try and see a game, he said, "oh, I've already seem 3 Storm games and 1/2 of a high school girls' basketball season. I've seen the best that women's basketball has to offer and I just don't think the players have any talent at all. I mean, there's no dunking or anything." FUCK YOU.
I am so ticked off by all of this. Even though I shared my own experience with basketball and how important it was to me as a person, he just threw it back in my face so that he could feel better about "winning" this argument, which I knew was never going to go anywhere anyway. My friend Hannah brought up a good point in that he's a debate coach and probably things of everything in terms of argumentation instead of considering the content of someone's speech. I mean, where do you go from "I think women's basketball is a joke"? What really ticks me off, though, is how he still thinks he's a feminist. He said something about supporting "the things that matter" when it comes to feminism, like equal pay and the like. Well, guess what, dickwad. Sports is another arena in which it's so important to support men and women equally. You may not like women's basketball, which is fine. I don't particularly like the NBA. But do I go around saying that men's basketball is a joke and that it shouldn't be played? No, because unlike your scrawny ass, I was actually an ATHLETE and understand the sanctity of the game. The hard work and effort that go into the mental and physical preparation of athletics. And to say something like an entire women's sport is worthless is demeaning, sexist and not fair.
So you sit on your throne of self-anointed verbal greatness, Thomas. You and your friends who seem to think that the WNBA has no fans and no future had better not ever set foot in my KeyArena with my Storm. Otherwise I'm going to ask Lauren Jackson to step on your 5'3'' pale ass face with her big Nikes and stare down at you from her towering 6'5'' height whilst beating you senseless with her beautiful blonde ponytail.