(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 01:40

Yeah, I've pretty much retired this lj. Like I said earlier, I don't plan on deleting it, just don't want to use it anymore for a lot of reasons.

TO freeko: when you say I have a tendency to "piss people off," by "people," you mean yourself, right? I doubt you have spoken to the other people on my friends list to come to this conclusion, so I don't think "people" is the right word. When someone makes an entry where they indicate that they actually regret something they said and that they are absolutely sick over the situation, the appropriate response is not to accuse them of a lack of diplomacy and bitch them out for a personal grudge you have. You accuse me of a lack of diplomacy, yet you bitch someone out over a petty grudge in an entry where I am bearing my soul and expressing intense regret over something unfortunate that happened? That is extremely hypocritical; in your nearly 40 years of life experience, you probably should know these sorts of things. Your "advice" was unwarranted and inappropriate. I removed you from my friends list for a reason- I an't make you remove me from yours, but I took it as a given that you wouldn't be coming back here anymore.

And for the record, sweetie, I didn't bitch you out just because you don't like Spiderman 3- I didn't like it either- you are aware of the nature of my gripe against you. I just find you somewhat ageist and snobby, proclaiming yourself to be soooo much more cultured than the slovenly masses. It's what most of your entries are basically about anyway- navel-gazing and discussing how much better you are because you've realized these basic, universal truths that the rest of the world is too stupid to get, or something. Whining about how no one else can seem to take responsibility for themselves, how you have this oh-so-unique ability to only act in a perfectly justified fashion, and how you're uniquely able to forgive people in a way that few people of the slovenly masses seem to be able to do. Let's not forget the constant complaining about empty pop culture (take some responsibility and seek out something deeper if you hate pop culture so much).

It isn't just you- I don't like anyone who acts like that. It needed to be said to you. I've got friends, even if you don't believe that, freeko. Not many, but the few I have, we care a lot for each other.

If you'll excuse me, I have to go back to what I have been doing for the past month- breaking through severe depression and rebuilding my life.
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