May 10, 2007 02:43
That is the problem with venting communities- there's the inevitable person who comes in, posts a vent, then makes some really uncalled-for statements, and refuses to take any resposibility for them whatsoever, going as far as to bitch out people who call them out on it. It happens in queer_rage all the time (one of the many many reasons why I left that place), it happened SO many times in feminist_rage (but that place has some really nasty modly practices), and it occasionally happens on the disability venting comms (they tend to be moderated far better though, so these issues tend to get handled a bit better there.
Venting community =/= ego-stroking community. If you're going to dish it out, be prepared to take it. I don't understand why people don't get that not everyone is going to necessarily reply to one of their vents with complete and total sympathy, even when they say something totally uncalled for.*
Sorry, I just felt like wanking, and I ran out of batteries anyway.
*Just so you know, that was a completely rhetorical question- I don't need a bunch of people commenting and stating the obvious responses :).