Well, I've been tagged (:P to you guys) so here goes:
The rules: List five weird personal habits. Then, tag five people to do the meme. Drop them comments to let them know it's their turn.
1. I sing aloud to music, even when I consciously try not to. Sometimes when I have my headphones my mother runs into the room to make sure I'm not choking on something.
2. I can't talk slowly. Like, at all. If I've ever talked to you in person then you know I'm like an auctioneer on crack.
3. I see things in colors that they aren't. Like, my dad's hair? It was green, I swear. And there's this one red skirt I have that everybody insists is pink.
4. I've never been in an awkward silence. I mean, silence just isn't awkward, people. It's golden.
5. I always have two or three pens (at any given time, sometimes including when I'm showering or sleeping) stuck through my weird messy ponytail-bun thing.
There's probably juicier stuff I could say but, er, I don't like friendslocking.
Now, I tag
simplydreamin, and
bizarre_dori. As if I don't already know everything about you ladies :) But, anyway, you're it!