Yay, Halloween layout! Happy Halloween, everybody.
I am pathetic and need to pounce back on my writing, because I owe
colourmesparkle birthday fic for last month and
bizarre_dori birthday fic from last year. And then more birthday fic for this year, which will be due one week from tomorrow. See? I'm a bad friend.
Anyway, instead of doing all those things I just said I should do, I think I'll do Nano this year. Why? Because I am insane. Actually, it's because I keep telling myself to do something about VSS2, and I am really doing nothing. This month, I want to finish VSS2 or at least write another 50k words of it (and yes, I really think it will go on at least halfway to forever). I know right now that there is no way I'll be able to manage it, but whatever; it won't hurt to pretend I can.
So that's what's up on the writing front. I'll have a detailed post tomorrow-ish about my trip, but in the meanwhile, I have a couple of questions:
1) What is with all the backlash against Judith Miller? I thought we liked her. I still like her. Why is the NY Times suddenly turning on her? What happened?
2) Last Thursday I heard an interview on NPR in which some man (I have no idea who) said that democrats would rue the day Miers withdrew from the SCOTUS race because she's one of those people who would slowly turn liberal after being appointed. Are there any guesses as to how the person who said this might have arrived at this conclusion? I don't see any evidence for it at all.
Anyway, y'all go ponder that while I do four days' worth of homework in the next two hours. We'll talk later.