Ahh... It really feels like Christmas now. Is anyone else feeling it? I hated it last month, how we were already playing Christmas music at work... I was like "NOT NOW!", because I hate listening to Christmas music if it's not appropriate. I think this may be my last Christmas at home - but even if I move out, I will always bug my parents, and stay over every Christmas. Haha~ I feel even more Christmas-y because it snowed a BUNCH today - about 6 inches, I think... not too sure. But it sure is pretty...
The view outside my window ... well, outside the window in the hall... close enough.
And this is our Christmas tree... and some of the decorations... feels so nice~ I set the camera down, and timed it to take this picture, but the lights are still blurred like this... I wonder why.
Also, my dad's cousin wrote a Christmas song. My parents were playing it earlier today, and it has a really nice feel to it... I feel touched. His name is Cam (I believe his band is called Cam Penner and the Gravel Road) and the song is called Balsam Fir. I really like it when the trumpet comes in... and when I first heard it, I thought that the accordian was actually a harmonica...
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I finished some of my Christmas shopping already. I think I'm spending a bit much, but... oh well~ ^^; I need to finish up soon~