Oct 21, 2008 01:41
Thank you for your concerns. Since my last post, I've been feeling better... These last couple of days, I've been trying to excercise a bit, and eat better... It's just a tiny step right now, but the palipations have seem to subsided a bit. I really, really want to try to get in better shape and lose some weight... so I'll do my best, and let you guys know how it's going~
In my last post, I also mentioned that I'm working on a new animation... well, I've uploaded a bit of it - what I've done so far. The audio is a short skit from KnoxKast, a podcast hosted by Robert Benfer (Knox - known for his Klayworld animations and movie) and Jason Steele (known for Charlie the Unicorn, and Charlie the Unicorn 2). Sadly, they stopped KnoxKast, because they lost interest. It was very funny, even when they weren't doing much... but one episode that I loved was episode 11 - The Library. I'm assuming that Jason wrote the skit. It's very well done, and everytime I listen to it, it get's deeper and deeper! Also, it's funny... hehe ^^ For a very long time now, I wanted to do a comic of it, but since I love their voices, I decided I should do an animation. So, here is the beginning - the introduction of the characters... Please let me know what you think - I'm still trying to fix it up so it has more angles and interest....
I'm not sure why there is no audio for the first few seconds... please ignore that...