A meme of sorts...

Feb 04, 2008 09:24

I'm doing this little meme after seeing kaoko_cow's meme...

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I tend to go to bed when the time is on the hour or half hour... for some reason, I don't want to get into bed until it's 12 or 12:30... not 12:13... I wonder why... hmm...

2. I'm a very neat and tidy person, and usually very organized, but I'm kind of lazy when it comes to doing actual housework... I just like to clean up after myself.

3. It's no secret that I love everything Japanese, but everytime I think about actually going to Japan, my heart beats really fast and I get really excited! It sounds cheesy, but I really really really want to go... ^///^;;

4. I have two alarm clocks, and even though I set both, I sometimes don't wake up. My first one is a radio alarm, and no matter how loud I set it, I won't wake up to it or I'll turn it off in my sleep. The second alarm clock is the old style loud ringer one, that runs on batteries, so it won't shut up unless the button is pushed... and usually, that gets turned off in my sleep too. (I should probably point out that this one is across the room, on the top of my shelf, behind some stuff... I make it difficult to get to)

5. This ties into number 4, but I sometimes have a problem with sleepwalking. Sometimes, when I wake up, things have changed in my room... only a couple times have I ever woken up in the middle of sleepwalking... Like the one time I woke up in my bathroom, trying to drink the tap water with my hands... hehe ^^;

6. I'm kind of picky with my food... if I tried it and disliked it, I usually won't try it again. But that won't really stop me from trying new foods...

7. I'm such a procrastinator... If I have to do a project for school, no matter how much I actually enjoy it, I don't really want to do it because I have to do it.... If it's something that no one is expecting me to do, I work much better/faster... ^^

Hmm... I wonder if those are good quirks... I'll think about it a bit more, and see if I come up with anything else. Ah yeah, I'm also ignoring rule C, and I'm gonna say whoever wants to do this, go ahead~~ Haha~

8. I remembered this while talking to a classmate just now... I'm deathly afraid of moths!! I don't know why~! I'm not afraid of spiders or wasps or anything like that, but if I'm trapped in a room with a moth, oh my... I don't want to think about it...

meme, random

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