[OOC] Decklist: Undead Lockdown

Nov 09, 2011 22:49

Used primarily for ID-ing what all Bakura can unleash for self-defense/to just be a jerk. She can, however, perform Tarot-like readings using her deck of Duel Monsters cards as well.

My canon justification for this "hobby" is, admittedly, tenuous. There's an added scene in the anime where Bakura "reads" a basic three-card spread for Pegasus using a deck of Duel Monsters cards, but I'm apping a manga-canon Bakura instead. The idea of her doing something like this fits her character, however, so I've added it as a fanon extra.

Since it's Bakura we're talking about, her cards are morbid and any readings will likely be depressing. If your character would like to get their fortune told, however, you're more than welcome! Readings can either be randomized (using the Random Integer Generator, then flipping coins for upright/reversed) or hand-picked.

As with proper Tarot, most of the reading comes from Bakura interpreting the cards in the context of a particular situation, and therefore will be highly subjective. Your character will also likely be prompted to ask a nice, specific question - it's easier to read a spread about "I'm concerned about my job" or "I need help making friends" than "what is my future?". (Conversely, Bakura also won't be able to tell your character what they should wear to the store next Tuesday - nor would she, if she could.)

Also, she shall likely always possess an ulterior motive....

Normal Monsters
cards dealing with how things seem externally

1. Doomcaliber Knight when upright, a desire to do the right thing, preoccupation with societal norms; when reversed, taking advantage of others, working the system
2 - 4. Necro Mannequin x3 when upright, humility or busyness, someone important to a larger whole; when reversed, confusion and torn loyalties
5. Headless Knight when upright, a quest, searching, someone with a plan; when reversed, aimlessness or hopeless toiling
6. Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams when upright, a belief in following one's gut, trust in emotions; when reversed, heedless action, acting on trauma
7. The Portrait's Secret when upright, creativity, inspiration, having much to offer the world; when reversed, spiritual poverty and theft
8. Souls of the Forgotten when upright, a united front, close friends; when reversed, herd mentality
9. The Earl of Demise when upright, leadership and charisma. when reversed, manipulation and laziness. can represent a powerful male.
10. Earthbound Spirit when upright, practicality and common sense; when reversed, stubbornness and aversion to change, lost opportunity

Effect Monsters
cards dealing with wishes, hopes, goals, and initiative

11. Disgraced Mage when upright, salvaging of a bad situation, peacemaking; when reversed, a lack of closure
12. Necroface when upright, youthful optimism, trust, believing in other people; when reversed, betrayal and revenge, bitterness. can represent a child.
13. Necro Jar when upright, a desire for justice or compensation; when reversed, exploitation of guilt
14 - 16. Necro Soldier x3 when upright, an attempt at forming relationships with others; when reversed, relationships not built on trust
17 - 19. Necro Wall x3 when upright, a desire for solitude, keeping people out; when reversed, overprotectiveness, keeping people in
20. Dark Necrofear when upright, caring for others, mentoring, motherhood, etc; when reversed, apathy or neglect. can represent a powerful female.

cards dealing with external forces, others lives affecting yours

21. Counterbalance when upright, necessary sacrifices; when reversed, senseless loss
22. Cursed Twin Dolls when upright, a gift or a crossroads; when reversed, a disastrous decision, regret
23. Multiply when upright, an abundance of friends and activities; when reversed, being overwhelmed by everyone else's desires
24. Negate Defense when upright, immediate action required; when reversed, vulnerability
25. Pot of Greed when upright, a sudden windfall; when reversed, sudden debt
26. Spirit Sword of Sealing when upright, a fresh start; when reversed, an unwanted parting
27. Trap Amulet when upright, resistance to temptation; when reversed, obstinence, naivete
28. Ectoplasmer when upright, a selfless relationship; when reversed, ruthlessness
29. Change of Heart when upright, a positive change, a reconciliation; when reversed, a negative one, a shattered relationship
30. Swords of Revealing Light when upright, a delay, time for reflection; when reversed, a barrier, roadblock

cards dealing with the "hidden side" of things; ulterior motives

31. Call of the Earthbound when upright, an important individual destiny becoming clear, magnetism; when reversed, a subtly destructive relationship
32. Narrow Corridor when upright, maturity after trials; when reversed, obstacles impeding success
33 - 35. Zoma the Spirit x3 when upright, a secret admirer or overseer; when reversed, a two-faced friend or stalker
36 - 37. The Dark Door x2 when upright, unexpected success in a difficult endeavor; when reversed, exclusion from something desired
38 - 40. Dark Spirit of the Silent x3 when upright, a benefactor's guidance; when reversed, manipulation and a loss of freedom

ooc, duerr monsutaas

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