It is indeed a goddam noisy box. But you must call it a stereovision receiver.

Feb 27, 2007 19:05

So I'm becoming more and more of an envi person, not quite dumpster diving but getting close. See, I don't feel like buying notebooks or notebook paper. When I take an Andrus test that requires short answers, the paper he gives us is just old hand outs. We write on the backs of them. And why not? Because my handwriting is atrocious? Maybe lined paper helps it a little but not much. But really, before you recycle the paper (because you always recycle paper, because you're not a complete arse) might as well get the full use. Reduce and Reuse are the two R's we don't always remember. So this semester I used all my old handouts and computer print outs for notes. When I started to run low (I take lots of notes in Envi 201), I shamelessly went to the computer PODs and went through the recycle bins. I recommend all you cats try it.
Just mentioning it now because when I printed out my transcription for latin, which, by the way, Is pretty much done! I had no idea it would become so easy. I guess I thought the same thing with the Greek alphabet, which isn't quite as hard as all those bloody minums. Anyway, printing, saw that folks had left a pile of rejected print outs next to the printer so I decided to help that paper achieve its dharma and take it in. I looked at it now and some of it is from someone I know. One of the few classics students. He's taking 204 and was writing out some Aeneid transaltion. How odd is that? Of all the printers, in all the gin joints...

I also reuse food containers. Even those cute little gladware things add up. And if I end up buying the containers anyway, might as well reuse them. Especially the glass. It's a silly cycle. We use enough energy to melt sand to make it, we use it one time, throw it out or recycle it and when its recycled its broken up and melted again to form roads. Seems a wee bit energy intensive. Might as well save myself from buying/using more plastic and reducing the throughput on glass. Two birds with one stone.

Luke fasted for a few days this week. I don't know how he did it. I feel hungry all the time. He never does. Then again, the problem is probably defining hunger. I know I'm not always good about hydrating and I've read modern society has trouble discerning thirst from hunger. I also know I eat when I'm bored. Food makes me happy. Luckily its mostly healthy stuff and I don't often eat a lot in one go. Maybe I should try a fast, just to figure out my body a little better. It's strange how little I understand it sometimes. Then again, I can feel that my blood sugar, or some such, drops sometimes, and turns me into a very miserable whiney bitchy person. It's all very complicated. Further research is required.

Luke also helped me out by turning my TV around and unplugging it from the cable. That way I have to be pretty desperate if I want to watch it. I really can't stop myself sometimes. The best way to keep the brain occupied is to turn it off. Completely. I know when I feel particularly bad, I don't feel bad at all when the TV is on. All of my own troubling thoughts and emotions dissappear completely. Doesn't mean I'm a zombie exactly. I can quote the shows I watch during that time. If I watch something educational I do learn from it. But I'm not dealing with the negativity I was feeling before. Hence, its highly addictive.
Of course I don't just watch it when I'm feeling wretched. I do watch it just to be unbored. But then I can't stop. There's always something else on. I don't know what my life would be like if I lived in the era when after midnight all you got was the Star Spangled Banner.

Listening to Blue man group. They're coming to Bing next month. But tickets are fairly expensive. Even if the parentals gave me some money for it, I don't know if anyone could go with me. I went to the Bob Dylan concert my freshman year alone. I had to take the opportunity to see a legend no matter what. I hear Blue Man Group is pretty amazing to see. We'll see how it works out.
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