Jan 02, 2004 13:21
i made an appointment to get my haircut tomorrow, but that's not why i'm majorly excited...there's a good chance that i'll be donating blood before i get my hair cut!!! now, i know ppl might think that it's crazy that i'm majorly excited, but ever since 9th grade when i saw the blood drive page in clara's yearbook, i've always admired those who gave blood because it can mean a life or death...i always thought you had to be 18 to donate, but when my mom went in to give platelets (the part of blood that triggers clotting...that clear goo), she asked and they said you could be 16 to donate, as long as u were healthy and met the like 183586347038285 other requirements (no tylenol/other drugs up to 36 hours before, eat healthy, take calcium...)...so, turns out my mom is giving platelets again tomorrow (a cancer patient recieved her previous donation and responded really well to that, and hasn't been responding to much else, so they asked her to give again), sooooo, while she's giving that, i might be able to give blood! yay! (plus, one of the perks [not the reason why i'm going] is that you figure out what blood type you are...well, my dad is O and my mom is AB...whoever has taken a genetics unit during biology would know that O is recessive and A and B are codominant...so, b/c i inherieted 1 recessive allele from daddio, i must be type A or type B...but which? a 50/50 chance of either, so, now i'll finally know!)
alrighty, now that i've made a complete fool of myself...i'll be going off the 3rd street with clara in 30 minutes...l8r!
::edit:: actually, they couldn't take me tomorrow, but i'll be donating on Jan 10th!