Title: Wally Not Wallace [2]
Characters: Artemis, Wally, Dick, M'Gann
Necessary Warnings: none, save for some language
I wanted to get this out all quick like because people seemed to like it. And despite the fact that I'm, freaking retarded, I decided to post it anyway. Even though this is a Wally/Artemis fic, they're not actually going out it's more like a sister/friend relationship thing. Although I figured once they were becoming friends, despite all of Artemis' protests, it might seem to everyone else like they were in a relationship or something. Hence this chapter.
(And yes I did find it extremely pleasing for Dick to be the one to give Artemis the 'don't-hurt-her/him-talk')
I had loads of fun writing this and I hope you have just as much fun reading it. Reviews=love.
Wally was, surprisingly, having a really good day. She kicked ass on a Pop Quiz about Othello in her English class, she found twenty bucks on her way home from school, and she managed to snag the last strawberry pop-tart from the fridge. And that hardly ever happens because, even though it didn't seem like it, Superboy really really liked Strawberry Pop-tarts which pretty much meant nobody else got any. And strictly because things were going so great for her, something had to go wrong. Whether it was because God hated her or maybe it was just plain bad karma.
Whatever the reason for it, things did turn sour for Wally, in the form of Megan bouncing (literally) into the kitchen, where Wally sat about to devour the last pop-tart, with a bright smile on her face. She looks so happy and excited, even more so than usual, and Wally can already tell that something happened. Megan lets out a giggle, that doesn't particularly mean something funny happened, it's more like she's so happy she just can't hold it in for to long or she might explode. And Wally isn't sure what to make of the situation so she just stares at Megan wide-eyed and suspicious pop-tart poised half way to her mouth.
"So?" Megan asks when she can talk again. And Wally's not sure how to respond to that.
"So," Wally prompts hoping to get Megan to say whatever it is she's got in mind.
"So, how long?" She asks and lets out what can only be described as an excited squeal.
"How long what?" Wally asks looking thoroughly confused because she was thoroughly confused.
"You and Artemis." Megan's says by way of explanation and Wally is actually a lot more confused now then she was a few seconds ago. "How long have you two been dating?" she gets out, with a little squeal at the word dating, when she sees how utterly confused Wally looks.
"Dating!" Wally chokes out, perfectly good pop-tart slipping out her hands and falling to the floor. She takes a split second to process this information before, rather vehemently, denying the accusation. "We are not dating" she squeaks then clears her throat and curses herself because she is not supposed to be a girl. "We're not dating." she repeats in a lower tone this time.
Despite Wally's denial Megan doesn't seemed deterred in the least. "You don't have to lie it's okay, I won't tell anyone if you two want to keep it a secret." she whispers conspiratorially and Wally resists the urge to viciously slam her head against the wall in the hopes that beating her brains out might put her in a coma and at least then she wouldn't have to listen to any of this anymore.
"We don't want to keep anything a secret because we're not dating." Wally says and she maybe sounds a little more hostile then she intended because Megan immediately wilts at this admonition and yeah Wally does feel more than a little guilty but she's a little to upset at the moment to take it back.
"But I thought since you to were..." Megan trails off and oh God she sounds so dejected and Wally just feels like shit for yelling at her.
"Fine, I do like her." Wally admits, or pretends to anyway. She figures this would be easier than to have Megan running around thinking they were in some secret relationship or whatever. "But you can't tell anyone." Wally adds quickly because she figures having Megan tell everyone she and Artemis were dating would have been just as if not more mortifying then having Megan running around telling everyone that she had a crush on Artemis.
'Don't worry Wally your secrets safe with me' she sends over to Wally with a smile and a wink. Wally returns the smile to the best of her abilities only her hearts not really in it, but it's fine since Megan doesn't seem to notice.
It's quiet in the gym, save for Artemis' ragged breath and the sound of her arrows hitting the targets. This is how she likes it best; alone without any distractions. Except this doesn't last for long because apparently Robin decides to join in, or at least that's what she thinks. But when she takes a break from aiming at the moving targets she notices he's not really doing anything except watching her, it's kind of creepy.
"Do you want something? she asks because, even though she couldn't see through the glasses, it doesn't seem like he's even blinking which, again, is extra creepy.
"Just don't hurt him, okay?" Robin says softly, so softly she must have misheard him because what the hell was he talking about anyway?
"What?" Artemis asks, demands really for her it's the same thing anyway.
"I said don't hurt him." Robin repeats louder this time and now that she's definitely sure she's heard him, she's a lot more confused than she was thirty seconds ago, if that was even possible.
"Who?" Artemis kind of wants to clear this whole situation up quickly because the faster she got this over with, the faster she could get back to training; alone.
"Wally," Robin explains and dear God if looks could kill the confused and agitated look she was sending his way would burn a whole straight through Robin's forehead because, again; What the hell was he talking about? "He acts like an idiot half the time, but he's a lot softer then you'd think." Robin explains or at least he tries too anyway except it only seems to confuse Artemis even more, unless-
Oh God he didn't mean-
"He's a little slow but, for the record, I think this could be good for both of you."
Oh God he did.
"We're not going out." Artemis says through gritted teeth because that idea was as infuriating as it was stupid. They weren't even friends, not really. They tolerated each other now more than normal, but that doesn't mean she likes Wally anymore or less than she did before all this crap started.
Robin shrugs slightly and turns to leave, he doesn't seem convinced in the least about Artemis' objections. Her suspicions are proven valid when he tosses a "Alright fine you're not dating but don't forget what I said." over his shoulder in a lofty tone and Artemis can tell he's smirking, stupid rotten smug asshole bastard little -
"We're not dating!" Artemis calls out into the empty training room even though she knows no one can hear her, she just thinks it needs to be said out loud.
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 3