Title: Wally Not Wallace [6]
Characters: Wally, Artemis, Dick
Necessary Warnings: N/A
I have not officially decided whether or not to let the Dick/Wally stay this chapter's kind of like a filler to buy me some time. I say 'kind of' because there is some necessary Dick musing over his feelings for Wally.
I'm leaning towards yes, but I really don't know yet. If you guys really like them together please tell me, I could use a little help with this decision cause I'm totally gutless and it's easier if you guys make the decision for me.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this.
Dick idly wonders when exactly his life had gotten so complicated. He suspects it was sometime between finding out Wally was really a girl, and then kissing her. And yes he totally kissed his best friend. And he's not an idiot he's knows how weird that is, which is probably why he was freaking out. Dick sighs softly and rubs his hands over his face as though that will help relieve some tension...it doesn't.
Dick's never once thought of Wally as a girl, never once thought Wally was in the slightest bit feminine. In a really weird way Wally had taught Dick a lot about being a guy, which was again just weird because Wally wasn't even a real guy.
But sometimes Dick had totally entertained the thought of meeting a girl like Wally. Dick had always thought he could really like a girl like that, might even marry a girl like that. And Dick liked the thought of being with a girl like Wally, because they were best friends for a reason. Dick knew it was weird because imagining you're best friend was really a girl wasn't something normal people did.
But Dick hadn't really thought about it, much, because he never thought it'd happen. He didn't think he'd ever have to worry about those feelings much less act upon them. And Dick knows it's probably even more weird that somewhere along the way, he'd managed to start liking this girl, this fake Wally that didn't even exist. And honestly Dick hadn't even realized it until he saw Wally, really saw Wally and he couldn't help himself. He'd totally kissed her, on the lips. The lips!
And he probably just lost his best friend, because the only time you were supposed to kiss your best friends is in a chick flick, where everything always works out in the end. But those were movies, and this was real life and Dick probably just screwed up big time.
Wally hadn't seemed mad though, she'd kissed him back, and she seemed to like it. But then again that kiss happened three days ago and Wally had been avoiding him like the plague. And Dick really kind of wants to talk to her, explain it to her somehow, and try to fix this, because he doesn't want to lose Wally as a friend.
He growls into his pillow and kind of wishes the ground would open and swallow him up.
Wally doesn't look up from the textbooks spread out in front of her, but she does acknowledge Artemis with a highly intelligent 'hn'. Stupid AP World History! Why had she taken this class again? There'd been a good reason at the time; she just couldn't remember it now. And she also can't think of a time when she'll ever need, any of this. Seriously, all this stuff happened like a hundred years ago, why does it matter now!
"So," Artemis says slowly sitting on the very edge of Wally's bad, she's trying to take this slow, trying to ease Wally into this conversation but she's not sure she can be that patient, it's never exactly been her strong suit. "What's up?"
Now Wally actually looks up from her text book immediately suspicious (that and Wally pretty much welcomes any distraction from the pure concentrated evil that was her 'homework')
Artemis was being weird, nice almost.
"Nothing, what's going on with you?" Wally asks deciding to err on the side of caution because she's almost a little worried about where this conversation is going, and wherever that was it did not seem like it was going to end well.
"You should talk to him," Artemis says after a long tense moment. She says it softly, she's being so careful. Wally's not sure whether she finds it irritating or flattering, because even though they never really talked about their 'friendship' -that was the word for it, right? - It was nice to know that Artemis cared. Made her feel warm in the pit of her stomach, like when Dick kissed only less intimate.
"Um yeah, how about no?" Wally says sarcastically, and she knows she's being difficult but this was so not the conversation she wanted to have right now.
"You can't just ignore him forever!" yep, Artemis is pretty much done trying to be nice.
"I can try." Wally points out, and Artemis rolls her eyes, fixing Wally with a glare that reads 'cut the bull-shit, or I'll cut you'. "I know," Wally sighs dejectedly, almost wishing she could get back to her homework. "I just, everything's so screwed up!" Wally says sounding confused and a whole lot of other stuff that Artemis doesn't know what the hell to do with.
"It's only gonna get worse the longer you ignore it." She points out, and Wally lets out a noise that kind of reminds Artemis of an angry cat.
It's awkward and tense and silent for a long moment, the only sound is the slight hum of Wally's nervously vibrating hands.
"Can't you talk to him for me?" Wally asks, she's not expecting a yes, but she
figures having some hope is better than no hope at all.
"Nope," Artemis says and Wally sighs heavily because yeah, she figured as much.