Mission Six

Oct 03, 2008 17:32

Hey, guys! Fluff Girl here, filling in for Pink Bubble while she takes a short hiatus. Mission 5 is over, and it's on to Mission 6.

Pairs That Never Happened

There are pairs in bandom that we can make a convincing argument for existing: Frank/Gerard, Pete/Mikey, Ryan/Brendon, Pete/Patrick, etc. They know each other and there's canon for it. But what about the pairs that could not have ever happened? The guys who haven't even met each other yet (but would be great together if they did!)
or the ones who have an just don't seem like a likely couple?

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to introduce us to a pair that's never happened. You can do this by making a picspam, primer, or manifesto arguing why they should be together. Has there been fic written about the pairing? You can put together a list of recs to try to win us over. Feeling really inspired? Create your own fic or artwork about them.

Since it's a Friday, I'm going to give you two full weekends. The deadline to complete this mission is:

Monday 13th October at 11:59 p.m. cst

As always, if you can't participate for any reason or want to opt out, just leave a comment on this post and let us know.
If you have any questions, you can comment here or send an email to superbandom (at) gmail (dot) com.

super, week 6, mission

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