I'm working at our Lehigh office today, BY MYSELF, all damn day. It's ridiculous. If you know anything about Lehigh, you know there is slow to minimal traffic. Seriously, it sucks. Which means my commission check is oh-so suffering today. Roar. I love money.
Last night after work Jason and I went to Tiff and Chris's house. Hung out, went to Wal-Mart (that's always fun) and then to Taco Bell and McDonalds. Hung out until midnight. Chris and Jason were making fun of me so I chased them all over the place. I really need to stop smoking, I am so out of shape.
Anyways... on to some pictures
me and co-worker/good buddy joe after van halen concert
drinking my blue drinks! i was totally trashed and feeling good.
during hurricane charley. traffic light down!
chris decided he needed to model my shoes, because he thinks they're sexier on him than they are on me.
the new doggy.
tada.. i hope all of those work.