Oct 29, 2011 09:28
As I sit here at my laptop, with coffee and cigarette taking turns coming to my lips, staring out the window, hoping for an airplane to go by, I'm eerily content. The sadness I thought was going to rush over me is not. This will be the last time I do this in this apartment. In a few short hours, my friend will be here to put all of my stuff in a truck and move it over to my new apartment that I will be sharing with my cousin.
She has been staying with me for the past month, It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, living with someone. Of course she does a few things that bother me, but they aren't anything serious. It's parts of who she is, and I can accept them. I'm sure I do things that bother her. One would assume that the beginning would be the worst part, it usually is.
Over the past few days, I've been quite sad about leaving my first home. People are saying that I should be happy, I'm moving to a better apartment, saving money, closer to another friend. They don't get the part that I haven't felt at home in so many years. I'm leaving my first home, and I'm sad.
But right now.... I'm happy. Even though I loved this place so much, there are so many things that I hate about it. I've talked to my new manager more in the past month then I've talked to both managers I've had here in two years.
This is just another adventure in my life. I just can't wait for the moving to be over.