Power Rangers Movie!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by
Quizilla so we are so bored we have resulted to seeing which movie we should be in.
Power Rangers. who would have thought. i was thinking disney or something...
well i always wanted to be the pink one! :-D
tonight, oh wait today. really sucked! so i was at home until freaking 7 something and didnt get out of my pjs till 4? thats really just sad. the levee was great considering the group was seeing the movie we saw the last night, at the exact same time as the night before. minus malia. we are pathetic. we follow seniors around for fun!? why? so then my father calls to make sure that i was staying at the house i told him i was.. why would i lie, i mean come on man its called trust.
i lied. i was going to get wasted.
i have to admit that this last week of exams took at toll on me.. i needed the intoxication!
what did i end up doing.. making up lies to cover my one lie. calling a friend and almost beggin her mother to call and lie to my dad. yeah so can you say my night was suck and a bunch of lies. I WAS HOME AT 9:30 good Jesus. please i am not really that big of a loser. at least i didnt think i was.
so me and Meghan made fun of people at our school when they were in the 4th grade. Hell people were fat back then! and i thought america was a growing overweight population. for all i know my generation is slimming down. And brittay wasnt even allowed to come hang w/ us either. so we were minus alcohol AND brittany! it sucked! we almost made a movie. keyword Almost... lasted 5 minutes. after trying to fit into dress up clothes from when i was 5 we decided we were a little more mature than that and made fun of people instead!
well we're out. maybe writing in megs..