Jul 12, 2006 10:02
Longest relationship: 1 year and 8 Months!
-Shortest relationship: 3 months
-How many people have you broken up with? 3 i think.
-How many times have you truly been in love? once. maybe something close to it once before.. but it was silly.
-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you
truly and meant it? of course if i said it, i always meant it, but it wasnt REALLY love. I think I only said it to one other person. But my love is for anthony :)
-Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with? Yes
-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? yes
-Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? not on purpose, but ive dated some babies lol
-Have you ever cried over a boyfriend or girlfriend? YES! Even when I did the breaking up! I'm a baby! haha
-Are you happier single or in a relationship? in a relationship
-Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend? One of my first boyfriends, he cheated on me so when he was dating this other gril, i guess u could say we both cheated on her lol
-Have you ever been cheated on? yea but minor
-What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex? EVERYTHING. Mostly the way he really loves me and how he treats me. Thats HUGE
-What is the best part of being in a relationship? Communication. Having stuff in common so that it's not just lust. Being FRIENDS and LOVERS at the same time.
-What is the worst part of being in a relationship? The arguements deffinetly. And that fact that you CAN become so dependent on that other person
-Have you ever had your heart broken? yes
-Have you ever broken someones heart? Not intentionally but maybe one or two
-Do you talk to any of your exes? yeah pretty much all of them, and we stand on good terms. theres like 2 i dont talk to because one just had a baby and one is gettin married. you can imagine they are busy... lol
-Are you in a relationship right now? yes :)
-What is the most mushy or romantic thing you have done or given to a girlfriend or boyfriend? honestly, there's too many. and i'd probably gross ALL of you out. We already make people sick when they see us together lol :)
-If you could go back in time and change things to where you could still be with one of your exes, would you? if you would have asked me this 2 years ago...maybe. because i was stupid then. thank god for anthony :)
-Do you think any of your exes feel the same way? actually, i know a couple do.
-What is your ideal boyfriend or girlfriend? has to treat me right and with respect. gets along with family and has a great one at that, because i love family even though they are fucked up. Doesn't get involved in drugs or drinking too heavey. slightly taller than be but not too tall cuz im soooo short. has to like cuddling and spending time with me. likes to go out and let me pay sometimes. Has to kiss me atleast 2345834758275 times a day :) or try to lol. bring me flowers for no reason. bring me the notebook and watch it with my when he fucks up. lol yup sounds like my dream guy anthony.. :)
-Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend? yeah i think i am. i pamper him!
-Have you dated people who were not good to you? um yeah maily one person who i adored and gave my whole heart to. he was terrible to me.
-Have you been in an abusive relationship? no. i had a relationship when i was really young that ended after he tried to hold me down and force me to do things i didnt want to do. thanks for self deffence.
-Have you ever had sex with someone just so that they would stay with you? \uhhh n. this doesnt really apply to me anyways lol
-Have you dated someone older then you? yep
-Younger? yep.. he seemed to be the only one who really worked so far! haha
-What is one thing that all of your exes had in common? they all end up somehow knowing eachother its realy weird!
-Say who is the most attractive ex that you have ever dated? Anthony. I've had a crush on him since he was in 5th grade..common! lol
-Have u ever done anything sexual in front of your parents? no.
-In the movies? kissing?
-Do you regret anything that you have done with a boyfriend or girlfriend ? umm maybe one or two things with certain people and saying things i didnt mean.
-Have you ever cried yourself to sleep over a boyfriend or girlfriend? yeah, i miss my baby when im at school.
-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? yes, but its not always easy... i know this
-Believe in love at first sight? yup
-Ever dated two people at once? a few summers ago i was single and kinda dated around a bit, nothing serious.
-Whats the perfect date? dinner, movie, bonfire, out out golf, walking anywhere, talking, kissing :) whatever
-Ever been given a promise ring? sorta, its not official, but its kinda that nature. and i wear it every day
-Do you want to get married? yes
-Do you have something to say to any of your exes? hope you find someone who makes you as happy and i am now!
-Ever liked someone elses boyfriend or girlfriend? umm no i dont really think so
-Do you believe in true love? deffiently
-Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? yeah it does. some people think they are experiancing heartbreak, but then later on they really experiance it and it actually does hurt. no lie.
-Do you think that you will/or have found the love of your life? yes, I've found him.