Jan 09, 2008 16:30
Okay, so you all know how I haven't posted lately. I've been kinda in a funk, what with the not working and not finding any jobs and having my unemployment be delayed and the not eating for three days because I'm tired of my family's attitude when I try to ask them for something. That has all changed!
Last week (I believe it was Thursday) I submitted my resume to Hampton Inn. I got an email back Friday asking me to schedule an interview ASAP. I returned her call that night, but she had already left for the evening, so I waited all day Saturday for her to return my voicemail. I tried her again shortly before five, but I missed her again. Fortunately, though, about ten minutes after that I got a callback asking if I could come in for an interview that night. I said I'd have to schedule it for tomorrow (not really realizing that it was Saturday), so I had my first interview with the assistant manager Sunday morning. Odd, I know, but I wasn't complaining (and my sister did drive me up there, I guess she figured me having a job was important enough to warrant doing me a favor).
So it went well, I thought, and she said they'd have to do a background check on me, so I waited a day or so. And last night I got a call asking if I could come in for a second interview with the general manager (it was right around 10:00 last night) today at 10:30. So of course I said yes.
This presented a problem! 10:30 was not a good time for me to be able to catch the bus - it wouldn't even have picked me up until 11:00, and I didn't want to call them back and say "I need to move my interview time back"; that wouldn't have made a good impression. So I did what any logical, sane person would do - I stayed up all night, got myself very ready, and took the 6:30 bus in and waited at the Waffle House that's across the street from the hotel for three hours. Finally, at about 10:00, I just said, "Screw this, I'm tired of waiting, it'll take me a few minutes to get there anyway, and I'll make a good impression by being early."
So that's what I did. I met the general manager, he gave off a very good vibe, and the interview went very well. It took nearly an hour, so I walked across the street to Chili's, ate lunch (it reminded me of why I don't like eating at Chili's - the plates are huge but the portions are TINY), then wandered over to the mall for about another hour, then walked back across the street to the movie theater, where I saw I Am Legend, which I thoroughly enjoyed. As I was exiting the movie theater, I turned my cell phone back on to find a voicemail waiting for me from the assistant manager. So I went to return her call, and the general manager answered the phone, and said I had passed and they wanted to know yes or no, so I said "YES!" (I didn't shout, just stated emphatically) and he said, "Welcome to the team!"
I start tonight, it pays $9 an hour, it's right on the bus line, it's full time, we don't rent to locals, suits are provided for us, the hardest part is setting up breakfast (which, hello, I've done that millions of times), and the property is gorgeous. Also - I don't have to do gruntwork! There's night security to go to rooms to plunge toilets and change lightbulbs and stuff. They're privately owned, and they own three other Hamptons in the city. Also, they like to do community things, like the March of Dimes walk and things like that, and I have ALWAYS wanted to get involved in the community through my workplace, but at Motel 6 we weren't allowed and at Super 8 he didn't care.
And plus I has some monies! My unemployment payments finally started clearing, so I have money to, y'know, eat (and go to the movies :P). Plus $9 an hour x 40 hours = $360 x 2 weeks = $720 x 0.75 (taxes, medicare, insurance, etc.) = $540 per paycheck. I am loving that. I will finally be able to start saving up for a car. I will have a good job where I can make a difference, I will have reliable transportation, and I will have nobody but myself to answer to.
I will be free.
new job