(no subject)

Nov 05, 2005 16:53

everything has gotten so much better lately.
im so happy im talking to everyone again.
i hated not being able to see them.

I'm so glad that I am able to call you my best friend
you mean more to me than anyone in the world.
I love knowing that I can talk to you about anything.
It upsets me that we don't see eachother often but at least you are still a big part of my life.
I know we have been through so much in the past month and im so glad you arent fed up with me yet.
I never want things to change between us.
Your honestly the only person i can really trust.

We have deffinitly had our ups & downs but now we are in a perfect place.
I miss you. I hate not seeing you in school anymore.
We haven't hung out as much as we used to but I know if there is something wrong I can come to you.

Wow. We deffinitly fight. ALOT, but its ok because we are over it in a matter of 10 min.
You are one of the people I am so happy I have in my life.
You are always there for me, through everything & I thank you for it.

I never see you anymore & it stinks.
That will never change the fact that you are my best friend though.
WE have been best friends for 14 years & nothing will ever change that.

I love you so much. I can honestly come to you with everything.
I miss not being able to see you a lot b/c ur always busy with soccer & stuff but I want to see you as soon as possible.

We can go from hateing eachother one day to being best friends the next.
We have been through so much & now we never see eachother & i hate it.
I'd really like to see you soon.

wow. i love you.
we have gotten so much closer & im so happy.
i love hanging out with you & im so glad that you are one of my best friends.

ash caine
I dont even no what to say.
we hated eachother & became so close
& then we hated eachother again & now we are friends again.
i hated not talking to you
it stunk. i love you so much & i no i can come to you with anything & im always here for you.

my love. my heart. my wife.
i dont no what i would do without you.
wow. i love you so much & i miss you & i wannna see you soon.

i miss you. we always had so many fun time & i wanna hang out with you a lot again.

we always had so much fun.
i loved going to your house & listening to really bad music
& eating really good food.
lets hang out again soon.

britt slade
i love talking to you
we have so much fun together
im so glad we became friends !

i dont no how i would be getting throug life without you.
& have helped me so much this past month & it means so much to me.

im so glad i have you to talk too.
your such a down to earth person & i no your always there when somethings wrong.

i love talking to you.
your so funny.
i love our late night conversations

life has been really good b/c of these people & i thank all of them for putting up with my bullshit.
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