Jun 10, 2007 22:23
Out of the vast amounts of people who seem to believe god truely has either something aginst them or actually hates them i am one of the many who can be sorted into one of those categories.
out of all the times i have ever broken down and actually prayed for some higher power to give me some peace and serenity, out of all the times i actually have hoped i could witness some sort of sign that there is something controlling the out limits of our very beings, i have only come to find that the only sign i have proof that god is really real is that he has forsaken all lost souls and has given up on them.
the so called savior of our sins and souls and who the fuck cares what else, is a fucking fraud and is out to get all those who have disowned and have forgotten to believe and give faith.
it's all false hopes.
empty religions.
careless scriptures people long to make sense of.
physical and mental stabilities are gone forever because so much is given into a lie which is nothing at all but made up pretense and a false logic of accomplishments that have given people something to look at for happiness and faith and meanings of things they can't seem to make sense of.
so much has made me skeptical.
and maybe it's just another thing i wish to blame my hardships on.
but honestly, somethings can't be helped.
physical will and mental thinking is both individual and something god has "blessed" us with.
that's why we thrive off of manipulating the truth.
and live off of lying to people.
because the truth is too honest to bear.
and the hopes and faith that people have built up for years will crumbles into dust and blow away into the wind.
sure you may blame my skepticism on my unlackable sense of mind.
but if you actually read into something the bullshit bible has to say, some things are impossible.
there are no such things as super human abilities that makes jesus our lord and savior.
there is no real evidence to prove all those things were ever said or done.
only stories made up into a book most call the Holy Bible.
well you know what, i have an imagination.
most people do.
stories are made up every day.
they are written and said to avoid reality because people tire of their lives.
they choose to put what they like to believe into something.
and then it turned up into a whole new movement in the dark ages.
because people suddenly receieved false hope that life is good if you believe.
there is no after life.
there is only salvation.
there is no wandering souls.
there is repent and solitude.
there is no rotting six feet in the ground.
there is saved and preserved souls.
there is no denying.
there is rejection if done so.
there is no hard way to make up for your sins.
there is instant forgiveness.
all of it is bullshit.
i'm tired of people saying god is real.
how the fuck do they know?
how the hell would they figure a higher being will save their souls after death?
you will ROT and lay in a coffin wilst your body decays down to your bones.
to me there is good luck, bad luck, horrible luck, and even worse luck.
what goes around comes around.
conscience behavior.
and life will eventually come to an end and no one really knows what happens in the future.
i'd rather have faith in people i can actually see and be with physically.
and i'd rather confide my own sins and repents to them.
because they actually talk back.
and they actually make sense.
unlike the so called god of any religion.
fuck it i'm done.
writer's block,