May 06, 2005 21:53
Well, while I'm just chillaxin' in my room waiting for my friend Steve to come over for a Zebra Cake social...I decided I'd update.
Yesterday was the RA Banquet. It was a Cinco De Mayo theme and we fiesta'd. I was surprised I was nominated for 4 of the 5 awards given out and super excited when I found out I got "Excellence as a Role Model to Residents".I'm really going to miss my boys. It was a really nice night and I tried to go up and make a speech but I just kind of babbled and people were laughing....hopefully with me and not at me.
After that I went to the intramural ultimate frisbee championship and the team I was pulling for, including the Dans (one of which being replacement squirrel Dan) and Sean won. So, Congrats to the 'Neverland Ranch Kids'.
Today I was going through a bunch of old saved stuff on my computer and I found character stories from Ellis. As fate would have it, today is Yvie's Birthday! So, somewhere in Manhattan a fictional character is celebrating her 27th birthday.
Well, I have 2 research papers to write and a final for tuesday. Pretty awesome shite. But I'm really excited because my mom is hopefully coming up tomorrow for a visit which is most needed.
I will be home May 21st, so mark your calendars appropriately.