Nov 14, 2004 12:17
Hello everyone. Introductions, though they're for the most part unnecessary. I'm Rachel, long time fandomer and two time organizer of the annual Secret Santa.
For those of you who have participated before, this is just gravy, but needs to be repeated. This is the third year now that we'll be having a Secret Santa. It was born out of the FAP Chat (a chat that occurs regularly on AOL/AIM between a few long-time park deziens) and has been pulled off successfully twice now. The process is generally simple, I take down the list of names and addresses of people who want to participate, match them off, then they either buy or make a gift (I believe the price we've set before was no more than $10) and send it by a certain date. Before, I believed the Santa revealed himself or herself in the package, and we all had a wonderful laugh and it added a nice touch to the holiday season. Hooray for that.
This year, because I know the fundamental group of people who participates every year has a core group of friends that exists outside of the realm of the "FAP Chat" (which . . . though we all remain friends . . . seems to remain in a coma for weeks at a time only to be "revived" and then "die" again), I think we'll attempt to expand the Secret Santa thing. Granted, this will become somewhat subjective, because if I haven't heard of you and can't look to at least two or three other people participating who know you or know relatively well *of* you, I don't know if you'll be able to participate (simply on the basis of I'm going to avoid trying to give complete strangers people's addresses), but we'll try to include as many people as we can. So do not feel as though you cannot participate just because you haven't ever attended a FAP Chat.
With that said . . . feel free to pass on the word to your close friends. And just so I can begin to gauge who is interested and how many people will participate, please comment here if you are. This isn't some "Aha, Rachel is off doing her own crackhead thing" sort of deal, it actually worked before. However, it works best when people are participating.
If you are going to participate, please also leave an email address where I can actually find you. Not one you don't check or one that is full or doesn't work. Because if I attempt to email you and you don't respond, I'm not going to struggle to find you. I did that all of last year. And it was not fun.
Thanks. <33