Hello guys.I've managed to have some sembalance of internet by tilting my wireless adapter a certain way. This is very annoying. But soon, I'll be able to buy a new one because I'm starting a new job soon! Front of House staff at the Manchester Opera House. The only thing is that it's four shifts a week, and at least three evenings a week, and at the moment I have sci fi society and women's rights society. It's a sloppy end to a bustling and poverty stricken social life, but may ask if I could just do three a week instead :s. At the interview my stupid phone rang and I answered it (just to tell them quickly to go away) but everyone I told gave me this horror stricken look as if I had insulted the interviewer's boyfriend. Maybe I just got lucky, but it was idiotic.
And this morning, I opened the door to find this girl who lived in the house last year and was claiming a toaster. I was quite sad: it was a very nice toaster. I trusted her because she had been there before and left food and drink behind for the house and she was nice.Turns out it's not her fucking toaster, and now I'm waiting for the house to wake up so I can explain. That'll be fun. I hope they're not too judgmental. So that's the second idiotic thing. I even got told off by the landlord for letting her in, but even he said he let her go with the toaster to avoid an argument and because she was a good tennant! And now, I could really do with some tea and toast to settle my nerves. Oh well...
Also, just saw the first two episodes of the new SJA series.
It's loads of fun - my favourite part was watching Sarah Jane being quite Doctor-y and making stuff - I do wish I could see more 'craftmanship' on DW. I liked that it all felt part of the same whoniverse. I love the cast, so it made me sad to see Maria and Maria's Dad leave. I even cried a bit, which surprised me. I'll definitely miss Maria loads - I loved how her and Sarah Jane got on together, and it was really interesting how Sarah Jane dealt with the loss - there was certainly a strong whiff of the Doctor there. And the way I see it, Maria would make a great companion (my latest dream in life is to see an adventure with the Doctor, Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde - just to see Luke and the Doctor nerd out together = *swoon*), so I'm sure she'll have a couple of adventures of her own in America.
Oh, I've just heard tired disgruntled groans - guess they've discovered the toaster's gone. Time to explain...