I'm finding myself with so much to look forward to this year, and so much that still worries me. In the short term, I'm seeing David Tennant on FNP on Thursday and I'm tingling with excitement. Doctor Who is starting soon and I'll be watching it the first time with all of fandom, not catching up as I have been doing. There's the Torchwood finale too, and I actually get to be amidst this excitement, and it's nice to be part of part of things like that :). I still have a start when the DW4 advert starts on the BBC, mainly because my Dad's tv is huuuge, and also because I haven't looked forward to something so much since HP7 came out.
And outside of all that I've got festivals to go to (Hyde Park Calling and Latitude if I get my way), friends to see, summer to enjoy, a Spaced evening coming up soon, an LGBT musical I want to help out my friend with, Rachel, Rachel and more Rachel (my polyamorous girlfriend...not all my friends like it) and hopefully an internship sometime this year, otherwise next year I'll be screwed.
Current obsessions: Tegan and Sarah, perfecting my playlist for listening to fanfic to (I'm trialling Dusty Springfield and Edith Piaf, with mixed results), Clocking Off, because from what I've found out it has some of my idol writers and actors I adore (Glenister, Simm, Ecclestone etc) and set in Manchester, my gorgeous adopted city. There's also the fact I've missed most of the eps as they're on ITV3 which I don't have in Mancs, and they've only seemed to have released series 1 on DVD - grrr and more grrr. I'm also obsessing over my crippling inability to concentrate. Last week I was going through paroxetine withdrawal which meant my head was constantly spinning and even walking to the newsagent scared me. I got out of my head for a while and found myself with even less time for all my assignments. I'm obsessing over a pr0n assignment
sarkywoman has given me, as I haven't written porn for over a year and that was lesbian stuff. But I like a challenge - obviously, or else...well, I'd be doing stupid things.
I guess it helps if I daydream about FNP for a while. I seriously cannot wait! Though terrified of the fangirlness - I have never done any of this fangirl stuff in public, that's going to be televised, that's not behind an avatar. It'll be like a coming out ceremony. And it's fair, I'm an owl of the internet and this place is my favourite forest.
Over and out.