Jan 19, 2011 01:23
Ok, I literally have two minutes to write a post before I go to bed. Life is pretty hectic right now, a big sudden whump of rushing and busyness and deadlines.
I've been organising an Education Evening which seems to be going well, through I'm trying to scrabble for budget to hire a photographer and some volunteers. Thanks to being hit with several infections at once, I'm currently on 11 pills a day. It's not knocking me out, but I'm starting to run low on the brainpower needed to keep track of when to take them. The big psych appointment is coming up the day after the Education Evening, and I expect to be high as a kite and will have to put on a face to make sure I get considered properly. I can't stand being in the washing room of primary care anymore!
Tom is meeting my Dad for the first time on Sunday. We've suddenly been going out 15 months and I don't know when that happened. I'm happy, but I think I'm annoyed at him and don't know why. It feels very silly. Maybe I'll know what's going on in my head next time I see him!
Working from home on Thurs - big private do - so I may get a chance to catch up on some fic. There's so much fic I know I'm never going to be able to catch up on, just don't read fast enough. And there's so much fandom loveliness I want to roll around in. But I also find myself with a social life, going to private views at art galleries (free booze and conceptual art; nuff said :p), and setting up exhibitions elsewhere and talking to artists and trying to write and it's all so much bigger than me sometimes. And I don't really have the time to really mull over the consequences. I do know I want my own place, with a sofa, but these are pipe dreams. I don't even know if I'll have a job in April!
And my 2 minutes (well, 5) up. Let me know if there's anything of note I've missed out on my flist! x
real life,
kicking butt,