I hate how religious most of America is.
P.S. What is the opposite of 'R.I.P.'? Like, if someone dies, and you are like "hell yeah, get the fuck off of the earth," what abbreviation can you use for that? GTFOOTE seems weird... it's gotta be like 3 letters at max. YFS is good, or GYD (you fucking suck and glad you died, respectively), but I would like some input. Something about dancing on the grave might work...
The reason I am posting this second half is because I just read this article:
http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080705/NEWS07/807050323/1009/NEWS07 Note this part, and you might gain some insight as to why the rest of the world hates America:
"Helms gained notoriety largely through his opposition to racial equality, gay rights and federal appointments that he and his supporters considered to be too liberal. He served five terms in the Senate before retiring in 2003. For several years while the GOP controlled the Senate, Helms was chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee."
So I need to amend my earlier post. Obviously I hate how religious America is, but I also hate how FUCKING RETARDED most of the voting population is (does that go hand-in-hand?). 5 terms?? Five. FIVE? Five.
(longer article here: