JELLY may 2010

Apr 27, 2010 17:43

JELLY is my most fav now!
not as boring & classy as ViVi, but rather cool, fierce, sexy, mature & casual

maya mori is on the cover with some ethnic feeling ^^

my love for sexy LIP SERVICE can never end!

I love maipuu and I wish she had more exposion & mana honda too (^__^)

some standard JELLY combos

love the ethnic style especially for summer, but for other seasons too =)

Chinatsu is lovable! ;)

absolutely adore this combo and thew overall photo. super feminine, pretty, light pastel colors and just so so sweeeet

sexy maiti photo! such hats remind me of Ayu back to 2000 Duty era ;)

beautiful egoist ad! I wanna go somewhere :)

military style is my loveeee~

maya mori, egoist, magazine, maipuu, mana honda, jelly, brand, lipservice, maiti, model

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