Question? Suggestion? Affiliation?

Mar 21, 2007 16:07

Basically, all the information you'll ever need is in the userinfo and in the individual posts. If you have any further questions regarding upload links or you have a question in general about anything download related, we'll try our hardest to answer you.

Otherwise, post here with questions, suggestions, hate, or if you'd like to affiliate (the answer is yes).

This isn't the place to request. Unfortunately, there isn't enough of us to upload all that needs to be done on top of taking requests. When we have free time, we will make a post and open requests. Please wait for that. If you have questions as to whether or not we will be uploading something, that's fine, just don't complain if we don't plan on uploading it or if it's on a waiting list.

Thank you for reading!

#faq, #affiliate

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