Mar 15, 2009 21:55
Tmrw marks the start of another cycle again. 8.30am classes every single damn day.. Ughhh.
I'm glad its morning classes, but i don't function well in the mornings.. Tried & tested :|
Dear 8.30am classes...
I hope you'll treat me nice and not fry my brain early in the morning when the afternoon sun is not even up. I also do not wish to be lulled to lala land in the middle of lectures or readings which would then result in illegible notes of squrimy worms. I shall try to sleep even much much earlier than i already do -- in a desperate attempt to keep my mind mentally awake at such an ungodly hour in the morning. Because there are plenty of readings to do for this mod, i hope you be nice on my brain too.
with much thanks & appreciation,
That said, i'm actually very excited + happy to be seeing thee awesome classmates + $2 Mcdonalds bfast, joycie? :D