so i really would give anything to be in california at collegiate nationals with everyone. mom and dad leave in the morning. i just wish i could have gone too. anything that could add to this closure process would be absolutely amazing and really needed. but it will be good for mom and joyce to be surrounded by the love and support of not only the Ohio State family, but the USA Synchro family as well. wish i was there right now...
good luck bucks! swim for the team, swim for yourselves, and swim for her. there's no doubt in my mind that she's there with you every step of the way. i love you girls. and remember, when you smile, smile for jess. god only knows how much we all miss her smile.
truly divine... always loved. never forgotten.
"Meet-goers may also notice Ohio State's "circle," in which the women gather to prepare for competition. A space now is always left empty.
That is Jess' space."
-a 2/11/06 Richmond Times-Dispatch article written by Ray McAllister
"May the longtime sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on..."
i love you jess.