Dec 31, 2007 04:04
Well, my 3:00am nap was my final nap of the second 24 hour period. I've read from a few sources that the 2nd day is the toughest, but the 3rd doesn't mean you're out of the hard part. I've seen other sources that say days 3-10 are the hardest. I hope the first statement describes my situation, because there were definitely times yesterday that I did not want to continue. Without Tristen there telling me to just keep doing it, I probably would've curled up and found a nice warm place to sleep.
I haven't yet been close to oversleeping. I've read stories of people who wake up and find all 4 of their alarm clocks turned off, and realize they have slept for an extra 4 or 6 or 8 hours. I've just been using my phone so far, and I've yet to have any trouble at all. However, I also have yet to feel like I'm getting any sort of good deep sleep during my naps. Rather than feel refreshed at all after them, I generally feel a little big groggier than when I first went to nap, and that wears off as the waking period continues. Usually I find myself wide awake just in time for my next nap. I feel like this might be a sign that 30 minutes is too much. I think day 3 will have me experimenting with some 28 or 25 minute naps. I really have no idea how long it takes me to fall asleep.
There were several times during the second day where I would be laying in bed, convincing myself that I could close my eyes but I had the determination to stay awake. This is a bad sign. If I were to close my eyes for too long, no doubt I'd be sleeping for hours. It's difficult during the day to convince myself that I'll ever be able to do this, but I get more optimistic during the nighttime hours. I think that's because the nighttime hours are my own, and during the day I'm around people that sleep at night - namely my mom and Tristen. While they're both very supportive, they're also both pretty well rested during the day, and I definitely feel like I would like to be like that. However, I just have to maintain determined enough to reach the 1 week mark, then we'll see how I feel. Hopefully I will reach a point where I can feel well-rested during the day, while only sleeping 2-3 hours. I just have to keep that goal in mind.