(no subject)

Oct 24, 2008 22:11

so okay, as usual i had nothing much to do so i ended up reading gossip blogs from ohnotheydidnt.

then i came across a couple of Twilight Movie entry blogs. i've finished reading the first book a couple of days ago so i was pretty curious about it. (just to share: Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen in the movie thought this movie will be like an indie film. pity pity. he didnt know what he got into :( hahahahaha)

...well, i ended up on this girl's YouTube video.

it freakin made my night. the people commenting on the video were sooooooo SOLID. i mean seriously solid. but if i were the girl, i'd probably erase that video ASAP. then id lock myself in a room and never show myself (ooh but then ill be white as light hiihihi).

here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFG9lXc2upQ

it's pretty long. but you just have to see the first few minutes and the last few minutes (just for the surprise HIHIHIHIHI) just to get the drift of it. after you're done watching it, you'd better read the comments. promise, it'll be worth it :))

wait. let me show you some of the solid comments too. hahahahahah.

FrostGibbon (1 week ago) Reply: fuck yeah at your stations men..this is a hell of a big one..also no wonder why ppl have asthma shes eating the air

pwentzfans6579 (1 week ago) Reply

do you own another fucking shirt? or maybe that one is just 9 curtains sewn together to fit your massive ass motherfucking body? my god, you're so fat i bet you have to iron your clothes in your driveway. i bet you've got your own motherfucking orbit. i'd love to tell you to stop making videos, but watching you make a fool of yourself week after week is just so goddamn amusing. i almost pity the fact that your life revolves around bad literature and even worse movies.

ScissorTube (1 week ago) Reply

Man the Harpoons gentlemen

tommygirl2k8 (1 week ago) Reply

Dang. When Katrina hit in '05 and the levees broke, we could've used you. I bet you NO water for any hurricanes would be coming in, again.

(1 week ago) Reply

White whale calling at 5:10.

tommygirl2k8 (1 week ago) Reply

You know what you should go as on Halloween? YOURSELF. The Killer Whale of the Night. Your costume would be a hit with the little kids. LMAO.

xoHELLOMOTOox (1 week ago) Reply

bout i want to be in your world.
Edward might be strong, but not strong enough to lift her
hahahahahaha solid eh?
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