Oct 09, 2006 19:29
I know. I'm so mean. Whatever. Don't care...that makes it worse.
Anyway! Jimmy is off doing Mach Trial. I am going to go practice in a few minutes. I have been practicing everyday for almost 3 weeks now. No interruptions. Except one anonymous person. Anywho. The focus of this is: I am going to college. I am going to college. I am going to college. There I win.
Anneka and I have decided to play the Gliere. I'm pumped. I think it will be a good experience and I think it something I will do well on. We have been making a ton of progress with my embouchure. I have lately not done yoga and do not like it. Maybe this evening I will do some yoga? Probably not.
I want to go to Manhattan or Mannes. I want a single dorm room. I want to be a badass like Anneka. She totally plays in-tune, love it.
Work at the Banana lately has been good and I think it is something I might take with me to New York. It feels good to do something (even as trivial as working at the Banana Republic) better than most people who already work there. Monotony rules Haywood Mall. Margaret the GM is bat-shit crazy and my favourite person there probably touches small children inappropriately. Job satisfaction? High. Wadrobe Satisfaction? Growing.
I'm over Governor's School. I like living in das apartment. However, I am tres pissed because I have a $400 phone bill and I hate suncom.
I haven't spoken to mother, father, jon or cody in a long time...it is a little unsettling. Honestly I kind of like the independance. Money is a constant worry.
I really need to go practice. I wish my apartment would keep itself cleaner.
Overall Life Satisfaction? Highest in past 4 years. Need time for self.
Smooches, Jason