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Sep 29, 2003 00:49

so my pre-planned mood of being bitchy today didnt really work out...i was hyper for some reason...MAYBE because i found out some interestingggggggg stuff last night...and it was on my mind today like whoa and yea....dont you just love it how everything comes to you all at once..nOopppe it cant come at different times, but at the same time.

kay theres plan A where ummm stuff happens then theres plan B where some other stuff happens..sooo tempting, or i can put plan A+B together and it will be good times...ahahaha

wooo hooo the practice on my bday is cancelled....and i cant wait till sunday where robin and i are gonna order the never ending pasta and be cheappppos =D and i cant wait till i get all my birthday money then i can go shoppinggggg and i get to sleep in on my bday..woo hoo
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