Aug 31, 2003 23:13
im back from pismo. well ive been since since was loads of consisted of: watching scary movies at night and either laughing at it or me falling asleep, renting a 2 person bike and going really fast over speedbumps then making abrupt stops and i almost fell out of it due to robins psychotic driving, swimming in the freeeeeezing cold beach water and the heated pool and trying to do that flip thingi but it never worked, burying each other in the sand and trying to even our tans in the buttock area..LOL, talking in spanish CHICO FEO ahahha, going into the general store like five times a day and always looking at the same sections and buying candy, being amused and grossed out at the poop hoses, building a fire and making smores and robin burning herself hahah, eating reallllllllly good meals like whoa, riding atvs in the sand dunes..omg it was sooo fun minus the part where I had a lil trouble getting up the hill cause I didn’t know how to shift =\, going shopping and embarrassing robins mom by breathing onto each other in the store…hahahahha so funny, talking to robin in the showers but was unaware that there was someone in there GEEEZ, buying random souvenirs like my pirate chest =) and riding on my first train ever and arriving at the right station ..and yea..good times ..
on saturday, went shopping for almost the whole day and got cute clothes and ran some errands..then talked on the phone til like 3 in the morning…talked about interesting stuff
today, woke up and proceeded to do my english assignment at 11…and guess what time I finished…6…GEEEzes…I hadda read scarlet letter from chapter 4 and do the quotes and do the huck finn assignment…yea no more procrastination…then i washed the car…and I took my mom to the bank and came home..and had a spaz attack for like an hour cause I was oblivious…sorry sarah for having to deal with my random outbursts of shrieks : ) then resolved some issues….then found out some gossip..isnt it nice to know how self-centered some of my friends are.. well mainly just two of them..oh well what can ya do…then found out some more interesting stuff that I thought was in the past but apparently its not…interesting….and I still have to swiffer the house cause family is coming over tomorrow..but my mom ordered like 7 trays of food so thats good =)
whoa, i found out too much stuff for just one day...geeez.