Oct 08, 2004 19:26
I went to the GLORY convention this weekend in New Jersey! I flew in on Friday night and geez were my arms tired! Fallan also flew in, but she had to take a plane. (Hahahaha).
Saturday was the banquet and for some reason I now have an autographed photo hanging in a Comfort Inn in Fairfield, NJ...the guy at the desk thought I was a lot more famous than I actually am. LOLOL. Fallan LOCKED ME IN THE CLOSET IN EZ'S ROOM!!! I couldn't get out to go to the banquet, Fallan went in my place! Ugh I was soooo mad!
Sunday was the show and I finally got to meet Synndy, Kayla and DeVille, whom I have talked to online FOREVER! I also got to meet Joe Rules, Louis Wright, EZ and a TON of people I talk to online. I met a ton of girls i have never met before and they were all so sweet! Ariel is the new GLORY champ and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. She was a great wrestler and the NICEST! (I still want my shot at that title, Ariel LOL)
Ida Mae Martinez (a wrestler from the 50's-60s) was performing some songs from her yodeling CD (yes, she is a former wrestler/ yodeler the sweetest lady!), when Stacy Hunter interferred. I have been warning Stacy to be nice for the last few weeks. She had been complaining about not having a match, etc. Stacy went to attack Ida and, thanks to my super senses, I was right there to stop her. JTW came out and made the match official and Stacy complained some more. I ended up reversing Stacy's clothesline to hook her for the Up Up and Away! I pinned her with the 1,2,3 and then helped Ida back into the ring to finish her songs. I square danced with someone outside of the ring (LOL) and then went back in to get the crowd cheering. Ida asked me to help her with the song...and I actually attempted to yodel in front of a live audience. Singing, specially yodeling, is NOT my forté!
All in all, it was a great weekend and I enjoyed meeting the fans and wrestlers! I can't wait to do it again next year! :)