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taemin_knees May 18 2012, 18:28:33 UTC
i do not even know what to say now because I'm too busy melting in a puddle of Kyungsoo feels. He is just so adorable and awkward I cannot with him anymore. Kyungsoo is unhealthy for someone like me. Save me!!

I think my favorite parts where Kyungsoo singing to Joonmyun and "I told you how I've always known it was you who wrote those notes, because I know your handwriting by heart.". Attacked straight in the heart seriously. Getting diabetes from all the sugary sweeting. brb dying and it's all your fault~~~ Baekyeol are the best friends. Why aren't they my friends? I need fun and quirky advice too. :|||

Seriously though Sudo is such a cute pairing. They're both just so adorable and nurturing that they remind me of an old married couple feeding birds at the park. Sigh. This is why they're part of my ot3. Throw in overly confident Kai and it's just a vegan burrito or something. Different, interesting, and so good for you. *___* idek what I'm talking about now.

what else what else. I already mentioned how you won my love so I guess you can eat my heart or whatever you authors do to get the fuel to write more. It's a worthy sacrifice so feel no guilt doing so. \o/


supa_baek May 18 2012, 20:47:36 UTC
"I told you how I've always known it was you who wrote those notes, because I know your handwriting by heart."
one of my favorite lines too! remember how Joonmyun tutors Kyungsoo every night? of course he'll recognize his handwriting~ <3

what else what else. I already mentioned how you won my love so I guess you can eat my heart or whatever you authors do to get the fuel to write more. It's a worthy sacrifice so feel no guilt doing so. \o/
omfg don't mind if i do /consumes

thank you for reading! i'm glad you liked it <3


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