Not a journal whore anymore

Sep 01, 2008 19:20

Did you see what I used to write?  Good lord... I'm sorry.  I know everyone has to express themselves somehow, but I missed the mark bigtime.  Who wants to read about my depressing ass life everytime I write in this thing?  I read most of the subjects for the entire backlog of my LJ, and I either had the best time ever or the worst time ever.  I'm glad I'm done with that and I have not as much to bitch about anymore.

I'm booking flights for Vegas in December.  Jess said she wants to come with me... let's see if she still does.  Should be a really fun time, going to WJF and being at a juggling convention, seeing all the people I've missed for a long time.  If she goes with me too, that'll be a much better time in Vegas, because last time the town wasn't that great.  The convention is always good, but Vegas isn't such a good town for going places or seeing people, unless you like the fake feel of everything and the constant fear that what you're touching has jizz on it.

Down in D.C. there's a guy named Chris.  He's the reason I'm working there for a couple months.  He runs a magic camp called Mystery Academy, and he's training me to be a magician.  Boy do I hate the sound of that.  I can deal with having a few tricks up my sleeve, but being an actual, honest to God magician makes me wanna vomit.  He thinks a good gig is 1700 bucks for 17 shows, 100 a night.  Only problem is, after you factor in fuel for torches, decks of cards, props for magic, gas to drive to and from the event, you're looking at about 50 bucks for three hours of entertaining a night.  That's fucking peanuts.  I hope he calls me with better information about the second gig we're looking to book.  I can't blame him, though.  He's not a performer, he's a teacher.  That's why I'm not staying in D.C. to supposedly make heaps of money off this teaching/camp counciler job.  I wanna perform.

Got some shit booked in Rochester until October when I need to leave.  It's small time, mostly passing hat, but I can make more than 50 an hour if I do a good show.  So let's make a modest assumption and say $30 an hour passing hat with a constantly changing audience, so it's a consistent $30 an hour.  Stay out for three hours, that's 90 bucks.  Lot better than 50 a night.  Especially when you factor in that I don't drive very far to get there.  Whatever.

Return my calls people!  Shit!

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