Oct 27, 2004 15:42
So today.... was a great day, nothing special happened, i didnt win the lottery or win a car. It was just great nothing really went wrong. me and david got to school on time after at Fili b's. Then went to class and assigned user rights to the entire family of the Simpsons. After lunch the teacher fell asleep and the class left early while he was sleeping.
My mom finished the paperwork for me to get my laptop (its very sexy) that means it SHOULD be coming in like a month.
Since my cell got cut off i have seen less of my friends because they are scare that they will wake up my parents when they call. So that means that i miss anything cool that happens. :(
My job is new so i wasnt able to ask this Halloween off so that i could go to 6 flags. But that means i get to go to Homecoming with katie.
oh and that reminds me if anyone asks im still a senior over at chandler high. (got it)
My boss is being cool redoing my schedule so that i open instead close. We might be going to P.F. Changs for dinner with 5 million other people.
For some reason i feel like i need to grow up and do something with my life now, like move out and have a nice job. but i know that i have to wait till im done with college in order to have the nice job that allows me to have the ability to move out. i dont know why i feel like this but i do. i hope it passes and im sure it will.
cant wait for christmas to come because my brother is coming in from ohio state for a visit, i haven't seen or spoke to him in months..
Growing up he was my best friend, i never talked to him like he was my brother but like was a friend. thats what made him so cool.
That and he knows how to throw knives pretty well.
Ok im going now