Ср, 12:22: RT @ ilpdo: Program led by Zefira Valova 🎻 with Inga Kalna & Maite Beaumont 🎵 with readings by Donna Leon 📕 More: https://t.co/lnojfkmbiN h…
Ср, 16:04: RT @ vesti_news: В Томске пожарные спасли из горящего деревянного дома кота и собаку. Пёс оклемался быстро, а вот котика реанимировали 10 ми…
Ср, 20:36: RT @ wigmore_hall: 📺 Watch this concert LIVE 🎶 Tune in tomorrow at 7:30PM on Facebook to watch Max Emanuel Cenčić and the baroque ensemble @…
Ср, 20:37: RT @ OperaRara: Have a glance at the cover of our next release! @ OperaRara’s Le Willis (original version) is a chance to hear Puccini’s 1srt…