Little Things that Made my Day...

Feb 15, 2008 18:45

Ok, so my last day off, I'm feeling pretty rotten that I have to run errands on both my days off... Well yesterday wasn't really an errand, it was after all my Graduation... but hey...

Ok so little made my day things.

1. Got my new transition lenses, they're awesome!

2. My little cousins are so cute, they think that dinosaurs were killed by the Aboriginals, that's why they're extinct! LOL so cute.

3. They're still cute. They were telling me that Maria (my other cousin, same age but a girl) didn't like the games my sister installed on her DS and I'm like it's her fault for not telling my sister what she wanted. And then Lulu was like "It's her fault she's a girl." LOL that then led me to explain to them the whole girl and guy x and y chromosomes to him. And then when he finally understood all of that he was like... "Oh so do you write it on a piece of paper?"

4. I saw a street called Draco Street! Hehe.

5. Supernatural was just awesome! Gosh I think that has got to be my favorite episode this season.

6. I got to listen to my new "The Last Goodnight" Album! They are awesome!

7. I found these lollies at Inala that I never thought would be sold here! Mum got them from VN.

And last but not least....

8. Vivi got another job interview :D

Have to wake up at FOUR tmr to take the train to work.... my contribution back into the environment! :D

random thoughts

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