Well, no luck with the VGA out yet. Which is quite frustrating, considering that it worked out of the box on ubuntu 7.10 (and even 8.04, I tested a live cd). But I needed the mobile internet access anyway, so here we go:
Turn on the bluetooth on both your phone and computer, and connect the two just to make sure that everything works (and is properly paired) before we begin. Depending on the phone's software you can have an option to select to use it as a modem via bluetooth or USB (I had to do this on mine, which is a Momodesign MD-1 / Amoi 9109). Ubuntu 8.10 has integrated support for 3g modems. For me it didn't work, so I used the same method I successfully applied with 7.10.
Now follow these simple steps:
Part 1: create rfcomm device for your phone/modem
open a terminal, and type
hcitool scan
You get an output like
Scanning ...
00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx MD-1
where MD-1 is the name you assigned to your phone (or default in case you never change it).
Copy the output (remember that in terminal copy and paste are shift+ctrl+c and shift+ctrl+v) and paste it in a text document for later use.
Now, always in terminal
sdptool search DUN
You get a lot of output. Just copy everything and paste it in the same text document as before, only for the sake of it. Actually you will only need the channel from that output. But now you have a fine text document with everything about your phone/modem.
sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
You are now creating the rfcomm device in the OS for your phone. To save you some typing, copy mine below, paste it in rfcomm.conf and edit it:
rfcomm0 {
bind yes;
device 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;
channel 8;
comment "MD-1;
Of course you have to use YOUR own device address, your own channel, and your own device name in the comment.
Reboot. Yes you could actually restart bluetooth services alone, but make it simple and reboot your machine. Congratulations: now you have your bluetooth modem in /dev/rfcomm0!
Part 2: make it work!
Now you need to install and configure you dialer. There are two ways to do this: from terminal and from GUI. I suggest that you do both, you never know, you might need to connect from a text console for some reason one of these days.
To connect from terminal
Install wvdial
sudo apt-get install wvdial
Configure wvdial
sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
Copy the following and paste it in your wvdial.conf, then edit it with your own data.
Modem = /dev/rfcomm0
Baud = 460800
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = AT+CGDCONT=1, "IP", "your.apn.com
Phone = *99#
Username = username
Password = password
New PPPD = yes
Of course you should enter your provider's APN and username and password if required. Pay attention: many providers have more than one APNs, some of them specific for promotional rates and special offers, and if you connect to the wrong one connection will work but you will pay full rate (i.e.: ibox.tim.it; naviga.tre.it). Often username and password are not required, but wvdial do not accept empty fields; if this is the case, you can leave 'username' and 'password'.
Now, in ubuntu 8.10 the PPPD is owned by a group called DIP. I didn't have this problem in 7.10, however it is easily fixed adding yourself to that group.
So, just:
sudo adduser yourusernameonthiscomputer dip
Now, whenever you need to connect, you can simply open a terminal, type wvdial and you're done. When you want to disconnect, select that terminal window again and press ctrl+c.
To connect from Gnome
Install Gnome-PPP
sudo apt-get install Gnome-PPP
It will appear in the Applications > Internet menu. Launch it and configure it. Enter the same data as described above in the wvdial.conf.
Then in terminal
sudo adduser yourusernameonthiscomputer dip
because Gnome-PPP uses PPPD as well.
You're done. Just open Gnome-PPP and click connect and disconnect anytime you need it.
Thank you for using this guide, if you have questions or problems just leave me a comment!