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May 08, 2008 15:10

I've just copied/pasted this from an email I received from Getup.org. Largely aimed at Australian folks. I'm one of those individuals that, so far, actually has faith that Kevin Rudd will continue to do the right thing, but it never hurts to stand up and be counted when it comes to public opinion, no?

"Something very troubling is happening right now in Canberra, as our pollies put the final touches on next week's Budget. It only became clear to us while delivering your People's Budget Submission - the halls of Parliament are crawling with lobbyists from the powerful and well-resourced polluting industries, using their industrial muscle to aggressively argue against climate change action.

We urgently need an active people's movement to counter the largest and best-funded lobby in Australia. Next Thursday, the Government will meet with environment groups to discuss climate change solutions. We want tens of thousands of signatures to bring to the table, calling for emissions to begin declining by 2010, and be cut in half by 2020. Nothing less will do.

All the polluting industries have combined their resources to trump the will of the people: coal, aluminum, cement, electricity generators, mining, and many more. But our politicians work for us - they need to set targets and pass laws that reduce emissions, not reward polluters.

We are much closer to a crisis tipping point than previously thought. It's now possible that there will be no Arctic summer ice by 2013, 90 years earlier than IPCC predictions. With existing projections being viewed as the minimum changes we can expect, Australia must adopt a science-based emissions reduction target - and nurture a green economy with green jobs to get us there.

Our economic prosperity and our environment depends on it, and that depends on our politicians being willing and able to resist the powerful self-interests of the polluter lobby. Help swing the debate back in favour of the people, by signing this urgent petition today, before next week's meeting:


The polluter lobby must not set the terms of the debate around climate solutions. We know that the costs of inaction are catastrophic and will affect every aspect of our economy and our lives. Kevin Rudd is making decisions this year that could help avoid that - but only if you demand it. He needs you to let him know you expect corporate greed to not trump climate need."
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