Today will be one of those days I will remember for where I was when I heard the news. As a matter of fact, I was glancing at my Twitter feed when the momentous decision overturning Prop 8 was announced. This is the beauty of Twitter - instantaneous news feeds, and in an instant the world learned that a great injustice had been overturned, at least
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It won't. The chief threat to marriage is divorce, not extending rights to gay people. Ban divorce and the problem goes away, but no one wants to do that, do they? So the ignorant think they can go on blaming a minority group for their marital failures, when their problem, as usual, originate within their own relationships.
You know what I hate the most? That expression 'Love the sinner, hat the sin', because it's so often used to set up an 'us vs them' situation between the smug and the self-righteous who think they're saved, and the sinful homosexuals who need their 'love'. That's not love, it's blind condescension, because when it comes to sin, it's 'us & us', we're all flawed in some way, and more importantly, homosexuality and bisexuality are not sins - they are part of the normal spectrum of sexuality, and therefore no one should be surprised or judgmental when people express their sexuality naturally. We are all as God made us, gay and straight.
I take the expression 'God is love' very seriously, and it pains me when humanity warps and twists God, or the concept of God, in order to suit a pathological need to keep some in their place and others elevated by feelings of superiority. I didn't read any words of censure by Jesus of sexuality, but I sure did read a lot of words condemning hypocrites, and a lot more words about loving one's neighbor. Making addendums to laws that takes away civil liberties from minorities shows hatred, not love. And I agree with you. I have a huge problem with a God who acts like a capricious bully, but that God reflects his makers, rather than the other way around.
If it weren't so serious, because they want to strip fellow citizens of basic civil rights, it would actually be funny. I hope, in a few years, it will be funny: society will look back and just laugh at the lunacy, in disbelief that anyone could have held such ludicrous beliefs.
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